Friday, January 22, 2010

Accepting Life Changes...

Before Landon came into our lives, I was a hyper-organized person. I loved to clean and things like organizing our closet for efficiency and asthetics made me a happy girl. I was a night person and hated the alarm in the morning. Now, it seems as soon as I feed, change and play with Landon, it's time to do it all over again. So, with "me" time or "us" time greatly minimized, I've begun to accept that it's okay that my house isn't tidy anymore. Home improvement projects take much longer to start and complete (by the way, we still do not have quarter-round down in our living room and kitchen after our last project was "completed" - at least the flooring is completely laid!). I take naps during the day and get up early in the morning. I'm okay with that. I actually am getting used to it (and my coffee maker is getting lots of work in each day). Friday nights are spent at home and going out to dinner is a treat for us now.

Our new lifestyle is okay with us though. Actually, it's better than that; it's wonderful! After waiting for so long to meet our sweet little man, we happily accept the abrupt changes that happened in a matter of weeks. We could not imagine our lives any differently and to be honest, we can't remember what life was like before Landon. And that's the way we want it to be!

1 comment:

  1. I know exactly what you mean. Right now in the beginning sleep when he's the only way to stay sane! =) I am so happy you got your little bundle of joy! Can't wait to get them all together someday....William, Paxton and Landon will be good buddies!

